Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Is There Karma in Islam?

الحمد لله رب العلمين الملك العظيم الذي يحكم بالحق و يقضي با لعدل و يهدي الناس إلى الصراط المستقيم. أشهد أن لا إله إلاّ الله و أشهد أنّ محمدأ عبده و رسوله. اللهم صلّ و سلّم و بارك على نبيّنا محمد و على أله و أصحابه و من تبعهم إلى يوم الدين. أما بعد. فيا عباد الله, أوصيكم و إيّاي نفسي بتقوى الله و طاعته لعلكم تفلحون. قال الله تعالى في القرآن الكريم, أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. يأيها الذين أمنوا اتقواالله حق تقاته ولا تموتنّ إلا و أنتم مسلمون.
In the book of Majma'uz Zawaid, Imam Al-Haitsami mentions a story about Al-Husain bin Ali's demise. He mentions that there is a man called Zur'ah who involved in Husain bin Ali's slaying by his bow. When Al-Husain's hour approach, he ask water. But that crooks, included Zur'ah don't permit anyone to give him drink. In short story, Al-Husain was dead. And when Zur'ah hour approach , he punished by whipping of great thirst what don't satisfied although he was puffed up. And the last he is slain because suffer thirst. (Also mentioned in Nihayatuzh Zholimin: 3/88)
From that story, we remember something, karma. A wickedness will result in same wickedness at the agent. But, is there karma in Islam? And does Islam admit karma? Let us pay close attention to this matter.
Karma according to Sansekerta language is action. And in technical term, karma was understood by cause and effect law or "samsara". This concept was admitted in the philosophy of Hinduism, Sikh, and Buddhism. Corp or yield from action mentioned by karma-phala. This corp didn't put into bad aspect only but in benefit also like wise. On condition, connotation of karma's meaning at badnees is more famous.
In philosophy of Java, concept of karma also curtained by cause and effect law. Aphorism of Java said, "Ngunduh wohing pakarti." (Everyone will pick his yield from his action). The meaning is that action will have a role to form and influence in future actively. A positive action will yield positive corp. And negative action will bring negative corp. A lot of proverb treat this matter like, who plant harvest, and who spread the wind around, harvest the sudden strom. Or clap water in food tray is pattered own face. The European mention that by movement law. How about it in Islam?
In Islam, the concept of jaza' (divine judgment) is the part of paramount importance. A proverb say, "Kama tadinu tudanu." However you treat, as that you will treated. This is not a hadits, but, acoording to a narrative this proverb is Abu Darda's able advice. What was narrated in a mauquf manner by Abu Qilabah,
البر لا يبلى و الذنب لا ينسى و الديان لا يموت اعمل ما شئت كما تدين تدان.
"Good deeds never worn out, sin never forget, but Allah the Almighty Replier never die. Do what you like. Because however you treat as that you will treated." (Jami'ul Ahadits, Jalaluddin As-Suyuthi)
On condition that, certainly Islam doesn't know technical term of karma. In Islam we admit that Allah Ta'ala reward kindness and reply badness. That response can given in the world, in here after, in fact in the world and here after. My our sins were forgiven and deflected from their bad impact.
اللهم إنّا نعوذ بك من أن نظلم أو نظلم.
اللهم غنا نعوذ بك أن نضل أو نضل أو نزل أو نزل أو نظلم أو نظلم أو نجهل أو يجهل علينا.

اللهم ربّ السماوات السبع و رب العرش العظيم كن لنا جارا من عبدك الظالم و أحزا به من خلائقك أن يفرط علينا أحد منهم عزّ جارك و جّل ثناؤك و لا إله إلا أنت الله أكبر الله أعز من خلقه جميعا الله أعز مما نخاف و نحذر نعرذ بالله الذي لا إله إلا هو الممسك السماوات السبع أب يقعن على الأرض إلاّ بإذنه من شر عبدك الظالم و جنوده و أتباعه و أشياعه من الجن و لإنس اللهم كن لنا جارا من شرهم و جل ثناؤك و عز جارك و تبارك اسمك و لا إله غيرك. 

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